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Hoppy New Year from Nellie of the North & Crew

Nellie of the North, Jerry (Rene) and Admin Guy (Jim) wish you and your Tripawds furmily a very hoppy new year!

Hoppy 2024 from Nellie B. Dawg

On behalf of our Tripawds Spokesdog Nellie, a very hoppy new year to you and your furmily!

Nellie of the North Bad Art by
Pawesome art by @CodieRae’s mom, Martha!

We hope your season has been beautiful and peaceful. And cheers to fresh start in 2024 for everypawdy!

Nellie has had quite the white Christmas here. Even a couple of Krampus monsters came for a visit but she managed to convince them she’s been a good girl all year.

“Oh Krampus! I’ve been a good dawg!”

The Krampus (Krampi?) left, and Santa Paws visited instead. Then Santa brought Nellie the most incredible gift ever.

Nellie’s been a good girl in Alaska.

It’s so hard to believe another year is mere hours away, and even harder to believe that we are doing it from our little cabin in Alaska. We are getting into serious snow removal time, and Nellie is being a terrific supervisor when we break out the shovels.

Nellie watches Jim shovel snow
“Come on, a little faster please.”

As dark and cold as it looks here, life is beautiful in frozen North. There is so much to do and see when you put on the right gear and get outside.

Nellie's Christmas gift.
Nellie’s all about the indoor sports.

This California girl isn’t always a fan of gear or cold, but she’s learning how to adapt like we are. Some days she does really well outside and wants to keep going on the snowy trails.

Other days she just wants to play indoors. Sometimes her aches and pains are obvious, but they appear less now that she’s on the Librela medication for OA. We can already see a difference.

As the temperatures go into the sub-zero range (it’s -20 outside as I type this), we play it by ear to see what she wants to do once we gear up and head outside. She is a great sport and we are following her lead.

Willow Alaska trail
A trail just outside our door.

It’s time to get outside and see some daylight before it goes into hiding again. So from our pack to yours, may 2024 bring you all that you want and then some. Thank you for being part of our Tripawds family. We’ll see you in the new year!

6 thoughts on “Hoppy New Year from Nellie of the North & Crew”

  1. Very happiest of New Year to Nellie and her pack!
    Love seeing the pics…..the view ,down the trail is just beautiful. I think I got a glimpse of your view from your windows inside your cabin while Nellie was chewing her massive bone!! .
    The artwork of Nellie in the “tundra” with the `Northern lights ( I guess?) In the background. Is stunning! Very nice job Martha!♥️

    I love that Nellie does what she wants when it comes to braving the cold. She knows when she#@ up for a jaunt out in the cold and snow and when she prefers staying in a warm cabin.
    Ohhhh my goodness, how does Jim evvvver keep up with shovel snow? Talk about an endless task……
    Thoroughly enjoy hearing about your Alaska adventures and the pictures of course!
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    PS….Nellie does not look like she’s enjoying the Krampus….very scary faces😱

  2. Looks so pretty, from Michigan! lol -20?!?! yuck
    Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! <3 Our grandchildren came, ate and made a mess 🙂
    Here's to a wonderful 2024!
    We're cruising up that way in May … well, to Sitka, Skagway, Juneau …
    love you guys
    donna, glenn, max & abby

  3. Happy New Year!!! I still can’t believe you both are braving it up there.
    Jasmine is doing great with the Librela, she’s had 2 shots. Anyway can’t wait to hear and see more of your trip.

    Michelle, Jasmine, Chief, Sasha and Angel’s Sassy, Bosch, Baby Simba and Sweet Snickers

  4. Hoppy New Year to you three
    Nellie ruvs her meaty bone 😍 I’m not sure about the Santa paws Krampus monsters Krampus either that is a new one for me. I’m glad you see improvement with the Librela; that’s awesome. I’m curious: what is the little wood charm on Nellie’s collar? Decoration or it does something (tracker-like thing)

    We had a balmy Christmas this year. I’m glad some parts of the world might have “normal” temps.
    Smooch to Nellie, please
    (p.s. I hope your card made it to Alaska)
    Holly, Mark, Purrkins and our beloved Sexy Saxton in the sky💫

  5. Happy New Year! Wishing you a fabulous year full of new adventures and experiences – it’s very rewarding reading about your experiences – so happy you have that adventurous spirit and are living your best lives. Hugs and love from Nancy & Kiwi

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